Thursday, July 25, 2013

Healing Ear Point

Massage this point and stay healthy.........

Hold the back of the ear with 4 fingers and massage this point with thumb from the front.
Do it 3 times a day, and see the effect in a month's time. You will feel major boost in your energy levels.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Cure headaches through breathing

The right side represents the sun and the left side represents the moon. Because the right side belongs to heat and the left side belongs to cold.
Women breathe mainly with their left nostril, so they get calmed down easily.
Men breathe mostly with their right nostril, so they get angry easily!

When we wake up, do we notice which nostril breathes faster? Is it the left side or the right side?
If the left nostril breathes faster, you will feel very tired. Close your left nostril and use your right nostril for breathing and you will get refreshed quickly.

Remedy for Headaches:
To cure headaches, close your right nostril and use your left nostril to breathe for about 5 min. The headache will be gone.

Remedy for tiredness:
If you feel too tired, do the opposite. Close your left nostril and breathe through your right nostril. After a while, you should feel refreshed again.

Teach this to the kids. The effect of breathing therapy on them is much better than for adults.

Health and Soda

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Facts About Sunlight

  • Melatonin is produced, in the absence of sunlight, by pineal gland. Stress, refined sugars, and other factors that increase epinephrine output will also increase melatonin production. This is the cause of stress induced obesity. Melatonin does inhibit the pituitary secretion of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), which leads to increased hunger. That's why hunger is hard to control during the night and that's why the Ramadan fasting is maintained until sunset.
  • Exposing human skin to sunlight for a couple of hours lowers the level of cholesterol in the skin by at least a half.