Friday, January 20, 2012

Column Mode in Microsoft Word

Follow the steps below to activate the column mode and select text in Microsoft Word:

1) Position the cursor
2) Press Ctrl+Shift+F8 and Use the cursor control keys to extend the block

Its simple. Isn't it??

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Workaround for Internet Blackout

Keep on tapping the ESC key on your keyboard after the Wikipedia page appears to avoid the Blackout page.This atleast works for Wikipedia. I am not sure about other sites.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Easy way to install TK on Strawberry PERL ON WINDOWS!!

Thanks to the reply to the post by Felipe (, here are the steps:
  1. Download Tk module from cpan ( 
  2. Extract it to a folder. 
  3. Move it to C:\strawberry\perl\lib\ 
  4. Open Command Prompt 
  5. Go to cd C:\strawberry\perl\lib\foldername and pressed enter. 
  6. Then type: perl and pressed enter.. Wait for a few minutes till you see the command prompt. 
  7. Then type dmake test and press Enter. 
  8. Then type dmake install and press Enter.

iPhone SJ: Concept or A Reality?

No idea whether this is a concept of a next generation iPhone design but looks amazing. Also checkout the iCam. We miss you, Steve Jobs. You changed the world big time!! God bless your soul. Check this:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

iPads Are Not Only Meant For Humans!!

Thanks to Steve Jobs, iPads are so simple to use.

An article at Popular Science says Orangutans living in captivity will soon start using iPads for primate play-dates, using Skype or FaceTime to interact with their brethren in other zoos, according to zookeepers. The great apes have been playing with iPads for about six months at the Milwaukee County Zoo, and they’ve been such a hit that other zoos plan to introduce them, too.

The "Apps for Apes" program started after a zookeeper commented online about getting some iPads for her gorilla charges. Someone donated a used iPad, and it turned out the gorillas didn’t care for it. But the orangutans loved it, as the LA Times says.

For more information, read this article.